Have you analysed your life?

The CBA Framework

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Read time 3 minutes.

Welcome to Fuelled Lifestyle. Exclusive content where I write about living a positive lifestyle, business, and human potential.

Today’s Email:

  • What is CBA?

  • Using the CBA framework.

  • Why CBA can have an impact.

Alright - Let’s Fuel Up:

At the weekend, I went on a beautiful hike with friends and family. The route was sa foradada located in Deia.

The day was all about getting fresh air and taking in the scenery with the added benefit of getting some good content for our Think Mallorca brand.

Anyway, during these walks we get to chat as a family or with friends about life and the problems, opinions, and the systems that we have to overcome them.

It got me thinking about a conversation I had with my therapist about conducting a CBA on my life.

In this Newsletter, I thought it would be a good idea to expand and share how you can use the CBA framework for both life and business.

Here's what a CBA is and how it works (and how it will change how you think about progress, goals, and staying on track to what matters in your life.

What is a CBA?

NO, it doesn’t stand for CAN’T BE ARSED 😂 

The origin of CBA can be dated back to 1708 and the work of Saint-Pierre in France. CBA means “Cost Benefit Analysis.” and It's been around for quite some time and is mainly used in business.

Basically, a CBA is like a handy tool that helps you figure out if something's worth doing or helps you pick the best option when you've got a bunch to choose from.

Examples in the context of business:

  • Evaluating whether to invest in a new project or venture by weighing the potential returns against the initial and ongoing costs involved.

  • Determining whether to launch a new product or service by analyzing the estimated gains against the development and marketing expenses,

The idea for me was to use a CBA in my life:

I have that much ongoing and an ADHD brain (recently discovered) that I want to nail down my own Costs, Benefits, and Analysis.

“ You can educate people on how to preempt their own conflict.”

Wangari Maathai

Using the CBA Framework.

  • C Costs: Anything that might cost you.

  • B Benefits: Anything that might benefit you.

  • A Analysis: Analyse the costs and the benefits.

Examples of costs in your life can be:

  • How something makes you feel.

  • Does it make financial sense?

Examples of benefits in your life:

  • How it makes a difference.

  • The benefits that it can add to your life.

For example: You might want a new house. The convenience means that this gives you enough space for your growing family.

Why create a CBA?

A CBA can make an impact on how you view your life and prioritise it.

For me, these are 4 areas.

Relationships, Work, Mental Health, Fitness.

These areas are really important for me in life. When life gets out of control and any of these areas start to be affected it’s time for me to think about conducting a CBA.

Note: You can use this free Google sheet to conduct your own CBA. Be sure to make a copy and populate it accordingly.

I have made this to help conduct my cost-benefit analysis when needed.

Give it a shot and let me know what you think.



Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. The Fuelled Community: I’ve been getting a bunch of messages lately so I decided that I am going to set up a private community in discord. Entry is free.

2. ​Weekly Mentorship & Accountability: I’ve decided to open up some more spaces due to demand. The weekly accountability and mentorship is designed to help you smash your goals. Much like having a PT, it’s important to have accountability in life and business. We set new goals and actions in a 30-minute video call each week. Price £249/ month.

3. ​Strategy Session W/Steve. If you’re looking to get some clarity and put a growth plan in place to take your content strategy and business to the next level then 1:1 Strategy and Coaching plans are the way to go. Book a time that works for you and let’s unlock your full potential, become more productive, earn more money, and create a brighter future for you or your team today.

P.S. Remember to share this Newsletter with whoever you think might like it.

Sharing is Caring.