My Backstory

My first newsletter

What to expect!

Thanks for visiting my first newsletter. I thought I would start with a bit about myself and why I started this newsletter.

I started this newsletter because I have a passion for business and human potential.

I wanted to share and bring some of the tips, lessons, and insights that I have learned over the last decade of running small businesses while at the same time being a family man and fighting the hard path back to more purposeful living.

A bit about me:

It felt like I did everything the hard way!

I was a private schoolboy who struggled to conform. I actually dropped out of school at 16 and started valeting cars and then tried working in the family business which did not work! I then tried painting, scaffolding, working in a gym, and then I found sales.

I felt had high expectations put on me from a young age. I managed to mask academic expectations by excelling in sports. But that was never going to create a career. The top and bottom of it is I didn't know if I could live up to the expectations.

The reality, I was:

  • Living for the weekend.

  • Keeping some bad company.

  • Struggled to stay on the correct path,

  • Trying to find a place that I could fit in.

    I even got the nickname “ Mr Friday Night” 😂 

I found a woman!

It started from working in the gym. I started out in reception and moved into sales. I was a cheeky chap, loved working out and having a laugh but little did I know that that would be the place I would meet my future wife.

Lisa was the one who made me want to take my life seriously, she made me want to be a better person and I was desperate to make her happy.

💘 Young love.

A Car Salesman was born!

I started as a car salesman at Europe’s biggest Independent dealership - Arnold Clark.

After a couple of months, I got transferred to another branch. The reality was i sucked! It was a tactical move to move me on

After my transfer, I knew it was sink or swim! this was my time to make it happen. I got my head down, treated work like University, and watched, listened, mimicked, became obsessed, and wanted to know the full operation.

My General Manager Pete could see I was becoming a proper salesperson. It helped that I also cared about my customers and my paperwork was immaculate.

18 months Later I was made Sales Manager. I was back to being a duck out of the water and back to the branch I started out at.

"If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes- then learn how to do it later."

Richard Branson
The path of entrepreneurship.

The natural path after my working at university 🤫 was to try other sectors, I couldn’t get going, but I had a yearning to be my own boss.

So I started in business with 2 friends. We built a finance lead car dealership. We had a good mix of skills and made it a great success! After nearly 4 years it was time for a change again (a story for another day).

I sold my shares and started my own dealership, built a solid team, and also invested in another small start-up.

After 1 year I exited the small start-up but still own my dealership to this point over 5 years later.

We moved countries!

In 2022 we decided to make a full-time move to Mallorca Spain. A dream and vision we had for a decade.

We also invested in a small car rental and sales business in Spain and operate a Business Consultancy and Accountability Coaching business.

We are now able to help many small businesses, founders, and solopreneurs across the UK and Europe to build their dreams.


Throughout my journey, I have struggled with stress, my physical health and mental health. As most small business owners know it can be a lonely road.

Over the past few years, I have had to make some lifestyle changes so that I can be a better version of myself.

I will bring some of these to the newsletter.

For now, take a look at this before and after image!

Let’s wrap it up there!

A massive thank you if you have read this newsletter. Please remember to subscribe and invite your friends on the journey.

Cheers, Steve

P.S. I will be posting weekly fun, Impactful, and practical advice. 🙏 

1-2-1 Accountability coaching