Build Your Success Around a Lifestyle.

Thank you to everyone who has already subscribed to this Newsletter:

Already I have had amazing feedback following the newsletter where I talked about my backstory.

The purpose is to create these connections and get your feedback so please feel free to get in touch!

When you're building something especially online you're not just crafting an identity you want to build a community.

By building a community we all get to grow, we get to share with like-minded people, and create connections that last.

Whilst many people often judge people’s success by their jobs, the businesses they own, or even the car they drive the truth is we are happy when we find our tribe, when we find purpose and a lifestyle that we strive for.

My mission is to bring an alternative approach to the vanity matrix we often judge ourselves and others on.

Money Stands for Something but Not Everything

Many people judge you and their own success on money. Money is often the catalyst that sets us on the path to “Success”

Personally, I had achieved a good salary and bonus prior to starting my entrepreneurial journey but I was looking to break free of the shackles and make millions.

This was my simple thought of “Success

Reality check: When I hit a certain earning threshold my mindset shifted.

Money is a resource, it’s a tool but it’s not the end game!

For me, entrepreneurship shouldn’t be about amassing wealth. It’s about making a difference.

I am TRULY in it for the passion and the challenge. That’s what really makes me tick.

If you want to make more money it is not a sin BUT make sure you do something that means more than just money or it simply won’t last!

Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant.

Phineas Taylor Barnum

Don’t get lost in the madness

So, I started out with 2 friends and our backs were against the wall, we had a point to prove and we were underrated.

We were relentless, I believe you have to be in anything starting out! In year 1 we had earned multi 6 figure profits. We were on cloud 9!

Over time we failed to let go of the reigns, we failed to delegate but we continued to grow. We were juggling plenty of plates and I was burning the candles at both ends.

For me that equalled burnout. Why? We had reached our limit unless we changed.

Change for me resulted in selling my shares to start again.

I needed to endure the pain, sleepless nights, and stress to build something more meaningful.

What does meaningful look like?

I wanted to build a business to:

  • Find my creativity.

  • Work on my health.

  • Spend less time working.

  • More time with my family.

  • Spend more time in nature.

  • Make our dream move to Mallorca.

Above the clouds on Galatzo

If you resonate with the above I’m glad you are here and reading my Newsletter.

How do you do this?

It's not enough to just want to make changes, it’s not enough to be motivated, you need to be disciplined.

You need to find your Why and work backward from there.

You need to be at peace that it will take you some time. For us, in total, it was 10 years. I knew that it could take longer and never moved away from that.

Ask yourself the question: “Can I see myself doing xxxx to get xxxx for the next 10 years?

Once you have your answer you know which way to go.

Your lifestyle should be your success story.

Ultimately our goals and ambitions can change as we move through our lives.

I would always suggest setting short-term lifestyle goals. (Something I failed miserably at years ago)

For example:

  • How many holidays do I want each year?

  • What is my nonnegotiable ME time?

  • What are my current health goals?

  • What time do I spend socialising?

  • Who am I socializing with?

  • Prioritise my family time.

From here I have my BIG plans. They could be large purchases such as a house,. It could be moving to new locations, long term travel etc etc.

Set these out, give yourself a target and maybe even a timescale. Just don’t get pissed off if you don’t reach your BIG plans by the deadline.

Just make sure you don’t miss the small ones.

After all you committed for a minimum of 10 years!

If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.” 

— Andrew Carnegie

Let's wrap it up!

Remember, you’re success is determined by living the life You want to live.

Everyone’s version of success can be different, don’t follow the crowd.

Be in it for the long game, find something that makes you tick and gives you purpose. Your views may change on the journey, you just move the goalposts.

Cheers, Steve