Can you hit the off switch?

Hitting the off switch is hard!

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Welcome to Fuelled Lifestyle. Exclusive content where I write about living a positive lifestyle, business, and human potential.

Today’s Email:

  • Business: Your goals can change and evolve.

  • Lifestyle: Balancing life and work is an ongoing pursuit.

  • Mindset: Downtime isn’t about relaxation

Alright - Let’s Fuel Up:

Lets Go GIF by Billboard Music Awards

Gif by bbmas on Giphy

Do you ever feel like you're constantly plugged in, unable to hit that elusive OFF switch? I do. However on New Year’s Eve, we headed to Andorra for our first family ski trip.

Whilst we were there something remarkable happened and I managed to hit the OFF switch for the first time in years. It might be down to the fact that we had to concentrate on skiing and were having fun without much tech access but It's been a game changer.

It allowed me to relish my downtime and enjoy the joys of being fully present with my family in a new environment.

This rare opportunity to unwind during our family holiday gifted me moments of pure joy and a fresh perspective.

For the first time in a long while, I found myself truly immersed in the present.

Business: Your goals can change and evolve

This year, my goals in business have already evolved. The downtime allowed for reflection, prompting me to look at where I can make changes to innovate to enjoy my time with loved ones even more.

Our ski trip wasn't just about the slopes, it was about forging new friendships, creating unforgettable memories, and exploring a new perspective.

Whilst on this trip we did exactly that and met some great people who are also in business and the resounding voice was that everyone wants to be able to get to an element of relaxation and time with those that matter out of their downtime.

Everyone was looking for ways to find time to do more of what they love with the people that matter.

“Time is what we want most but what we use worst.”

William Penn

Lifestyle: Balancing life and work is an ongoing pursuit

With the rejuvenation from this downtime, I'm committed to incorporating more moments of pure relaxation and family time into my routine.

I also rediscovered my love for photography and ventured into a new realm of "Street Photography." It was really good and I feel an important thing for me to rediscover my creativity.

I wanted to be a photographer when I was much younger and the ability to get behind a camera, switch off, and look at the world differently was fulfilling.

I am now really excited to be taking photos and creating more in 2024. I even got myself a new camera 😉 

Barcelona on route home from Andorra

Mindset: Downtime isn’t about relaxation

Downtime is a catalyst for a renewed mindset. I've already witnessed shifts in my perspectives, which are propelling me toward new opportunities and personal growth.

My goal is to make it easier to let go of the daily hustle and bustle.

This shift in perspective will hopefully pave the way for a transformation in 2024. I'm eager to delve into new goals, and fresh chapters, and nurture my creative side further.

We enter 2024 with that let’s get at it mentality and I can say that I have never had the first week of the year off.

However, the power of switching off to recharge, rediscover, and reshape my thoughts for 2024 is something that I welcome as a new perspective.

I would love to know how your year has started or if there have already been changes in your outlook and perspective for 2024.

Please let me know.

You can reply to this email or find me on my social channels.



Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. A Free 30-Minute Discovery Call: Let’s jump on a call and chat about how we can plan your growth strategy. We can cover personal growth, content creation, business growth, career development, team development, and more.

2. ​Business Growth & Social Media Management: Visit our Fuelled Agency site and book a call to discuss how to Fuel Your Business. This is where we become an extended member of your team and also hold you accountable to take action to put growth strategies in place in your social media plans.

3. ​Strategy Session W/Steve. If you’re looking to get some clarity and put a growth plan in place to take your content strategy and business to the next level then 1:1 Strategy and Coaching plans are the way to go. Book a time that works for you and let’s unlock your full potential, become more productive, earn more money and create a brighter future for you or your team today.

P.S. Remember to share this Newsletter with whoever you think might like it.

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