You can't do it Yourself

Don’t expect support if you don’t support others!

talking eric cartman GIF by South Park

Gif by southpark on Giphy- I used to Love this!

read time 3 minutes.

Welcome to Fuelled Lifestyle. Exclusive content where I write about living a positive lifestyle, business, and human potential 🚀

Today’s Email:

  • What looks good, what’s your goals?

  • Build a support network.

  • Become Valuable.

  • Don’t stop, Level Up.

Alright - Let’s Fuel Up:

Don’t expect support from others if you don’t support them. This applies to both business and life.

I’ve spent over a decade building businesses and the last few regaining my lifestyle to try and simplify living and ENJOY my time with the people who mean the most.

Here are 4-steps that helped me to get some control and results from my life and business:

What looks good, What are your goals?

If you’re on a journey towards loving what you do you must also love your lifestyle. Creating ANYTHING that doesn’t make you live a fuelled lifestyle will not last.

Who can help you move towards your goals?
What makes them able to help you?
How do you plan to help them?

As a founder/entrepreneur or go-getter - you need to understand these 3 things and you need to understand it isn’t one-way traffic.

If you are building a better lifestyle or business with ZERO intention of helping others - you’ll make it a lot harder on the way.

Get really good at HELPING people.
Be known for the SUPPORTER people.
And focus on SHARING your experiences with others.

Build A Support Network:

You may think that it all comes down to you BUT in Business and Life, your support network is what helps you get through.

Community, Mentor, Participate, and Give

  • Community: Work hard to find like-minded people. Get involved in the community.

  • Mentor: You can find a mentor and often be a mentor. The rewards are huge on both sides and you are working in the same direction.

  • Participate: Probably one of the hardest things for most. We all have excuses not to be part of something. Stop finding excuses.

  • Give: By giving back to others you get huge gratitude, not just from others but it makes you feel good.

Building a support network can seem hard and like a lot of HARD work. Spoiler Alert!


It’s the best way to grow and become the person you want to be.

Just keep sharing.

Become Valuable:

Building, sharing giving, etc makes you a valuable asset.


Work out what value you can offer and share your unique thoughts and perspective.

  1. Create social posts. It could be Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn & posts on 𝕏. Wherever suits.

  2. Contribute to community forums. Offer valuable insights and tips. Ask questions and seek advice from others.

  3. Speak with friends or business owners on the same journey. Share your thoughts and advice.

Once you find ways to interact with others and share your support you are making BIG progress.

Create and grow your support and supporter lists:

  • Message new people.

  • Create guides and information to share.

  • Meet in person as much as possible, don’t find excuses.

This might all sound like simple stuff but this goes a long way. Especially when you deliver consistency over time.

Don’t stop, Level Up:

Anything worthwhile takes time. When you start making headway that is not a sign to stop.

It’s time to level up!

Show up every day, have a plan, and stick to it. Once you gain traction it’s time to LEVEL UP share more and become more valuable.

Mediocrity is not enough. We are allowed off days, even days with no action but don’t forget where you are heading whether that’s in life or in business.

One thing to ALWAYS remember:

You CANNOT expect SUPPORT if you DO NOT support others.



Remember to share my Newsletter. I have some new stuff coming soon and a giveaway to announce before Christmas for the most referrals.