Content Creation to WIN in 2024

Business Owner to Content Creator

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Read time 3 minutes.

Welcome to Fuelled Lifestyle. Exclusive content where we write about Fuelling up your business, living a positive lifestyle, and human potential

Today’s Email:

  • Why we need to adopt content creation in our business

  • Building hybrid sales and marketing teams

  • Make your team business influencers

Alright - Let’s Fuel Up:

Yes this is a random picture of my burger. Why?

Well it’s probably one of the best burgers I have ever had. Its called The Manduka Burger. I wait every year for this at the Christmas markets and savour every moment.

Anyway back to the Newsletter.

During the time I consumed this beautiful burger I received this message:

“How important is it to be able to create content as a Business Owner AND how important is it for my team?”

This really resonated with me as I have been banging this drum for a while now as I believe the game is changing and we need to adapt to the NEW way of going about our business.

In this Newsletter, I thought it would be a good idea to expand and share how we can adopt this content first approach and make it easier to understand why and what we need to do.

Why do we need to adopt content creation in our businesses?

Today we are in a fast-paced digital jungle, standing out is tough. That's where content creation swoops in and does the job. Why?

Because it's not just about having a product or service anymore. It's about creating a buzz, telling a story, and engaging your audience.

Forming a connection puts you ahead of the competition by building trust and authenticity. Long story short, If we're not on the content creation train, we might be missing out on a massive opportunity.

Currently valued at $250B, the creator economy is expected to reach $480B by 2028. This growth is fuelled by increased cash flow from brands and higher demand for content.

Source - HUBSPOT

If this stat doesn’t make us STOP and THINK I don’t know what does.

Building hybrid sales and marketing teams.

The way I have come to think about this is to imagine this: peanut butter and jam. Both are pretty awesome on their own, but together? Magic happens.

Well it does for me 😂 It’s all about food today.

For me this is like combining sales and marketing into a hybrid powerhouse team. Gone are the days of these departments working solo. By blending their strengths, sharing insights, and singing to the same tune, we create this dynamic force that's unbeatable.

It's like having the Avengers assemble, but for business! So i see this hybrid model as a massive YES, let's mix it up and watch the magic happen.

Make our teams business influencers.

Being an influencer isn't just about Insta fame.

GIF by Team Coco

Gif by teamcoco on Giphy

It’s about empowering our team and letting them bring in value. It’s about owning your expertise and spreading the word.

Think of it this way: each team member is a walking billboard for our brand. When they're out there, talking shop, sharing insights, and being awesome at what they do, they're not just employees – they're business influencers!

And who wouldn't want to be a part of that? Who wouldn’t want that for their business.

How do I get myself and my team to do this?

You need to start with training and strategy. Invest in the right areas and bring in the people to help your team.

Alongside getting the basics like:

- Choosing the right platforms
- Good landing pages
- Optimising profiles
- Content ideas
- Writing & Video

You also need to:

- Build / Adopt systems
- Automate tasks
- Hire smart
- Document
- Utilise AI

These are key areas for consideration and they can go into much more depth.

The question to ask yourself is: Are you are going to be a late adopter or get in front of the competition?

We have recently dropped a FREE Facebook Playbook for our community and subscribers. You can get access to them below:

Facebook Playbook: Set up for success

Next week we will be sending a mid week Newsletter. This is going to have some more resources and Information on our new Platform we are launching. We are really excited to share this with you.

We have been working on this for 12 months with the sole intention to help businesses, founders, creators and start ups get a head start and grow.

Keep tuned in.

We would also like to say Merry Christmas.

We hope you have a good time, wind down, celebrate, eat loads of food and spend time with your friends and family.

Until next week.


Team Fuelled

Merry Christmas GIF

Gif by giphystudios2017 on Giphy

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. A Free 30-Minute Discovery Call: Let’s jump on a call and chat about how we can plan your growth strategy. We can cover personal growth, content creation, business growth, career development, team development, and more.

2. ​Business Growth & Social Media Management: Visit our Fuelled Agency site and book a call to discuss how to Fuel Your Business. This is where we become an extended member of your team and also hold you accountable to take action to put growth strategies in place in your social media plans.

3. ​Strategy Session W/Steve. If you’re looking to get some clarity and put a growth plan in place to take your content strategy and business to the next level then 1:1 Strategy and Coaching plans are the way to go. Book a time that works for you and let’s unlock your full potential, become more productive, earn more money and create a brighter future for you or your team today.

P.S. Remember to share this Newsletter with whoever you think might like it.

Sharing is Caring.

