Finding Purpose through our passion

Earlier this month, I received a powerful reminder that passion reigns supreme. After getting into a deep conversation with a friend and someone I consider a mentor. he reminded me why I do what I do.

I was venting and prodding to see if I was on to something. In essence a form of procrastination.

So I decided to put together some of the lessons I learned from this conversation.

Lesson 1: The Power Of Passion

As I reflect on my journey, I've come to understand that every step I've taken, and every endeavor I've pursued, has been fueled by an unwavering passion.

Through moments of uncertainty and lessons learned the hard way, I've remained committed to my path. However, I came to realise that in the past couple of years that passion I always had seemed to waver, and I found myself in search of the spark that once ignited my pursuits.

For many of us finding our unique selves can be a journey that takes some time to reprogram and lead to uncertainty.

Lesson 2: The Importance Of Embracing Uncertainty

When we feel uncertain it often means it's time to embrace it. Personally, this is one of my big struggles, I just like to be certain!

But what I have learned over time is that uncertainty often leads to creative thinking and innovation if channeled in the right way. It can enable us to navigate unexpected challenges and seize new opportunities. It allows our brains to work and find new solutions!

Acknowledging and accepting uncertainty means we can reduce anxiety and stress, promoting a healthier mental and emotional state

I love them haha moments! I got one on a recent ferry trip to Ibiza! Check out the smile! 😃 

Lesson 3: The Freedom To Explore

Allowing ourselves the freedom to explore can often lead to newfound purpose or reignite flames for old passions.

Freedom means that we can navigate uncertainties in our business and in our lives. It allows us time to reflect, something we often don't give ourselves as busy human beings.

Taking time to explore can often feel like you're wasting time but its actually the opposite. It gives us time to make decisions with a more balanced mind.

Excuses are the tools with which people with no purpose in view build for themselves great monuments of nothing.

- Malcolm Forbes


Finding your purpose and reigniting old passions isn't easy but remember it is essential to allow yourself the time to explore them.

l will always try to navigate mine with my unique perspective, not to what I think is to be expected.

Here's to taking time to unfold and craft our unique identities.

Speak soon, Steve

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