You have so much value to offer!

Your experiences can impact others!

Today I’m going to talk about how we should know our value, share our achievements, and we should share our journey.

We all have value in this world. We all have achievements and we are all on a journey. But most of us believe our voice, achievements, and journey are not worthy of sharing.

But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation. You are not important because of how long you live, you are important because of how effective you live.

- Myles Munroe

Here are some reasons you should drop your guard a little and share your own knowledge and experiences.

You have a lot of value to offer

There are thousands of people, friends, and connections who would love to know what you sometimes think only applies to you and what you take for granted. And I can promise you that you know stuff that other people would love to hear.

So here’s something you can do:

Make a list of things that you have done or are doing.

  • What have you learned or failed at today?

  • This can be in your work life or personal life.

  • Share your hobbies and what impact they have.

  • What do family and friends come to you speak to you about?

Just brain dump everything you can think of.

Use a notepad, your phone, or personally, I have a content box I drop notes in.

Just start writing about it

After writing, go through it then cut down on where you think you waffle and share it.

For example:

Just because something seems like a personal experience to you it doesn’t mean your story can’t have an effect or doesn’t relate to another person.

Take this post -

Here I am talking about my journey to self improvement. How lonely it can feel and how judgment can make you feel.

It’s relatable to more people than you think and the story can touch people that you don’t even know.

I was back in the UK for twelve days and arrived back in Mallorca this week. I visited friends and inevitably the local boozer. I caught up with some familiar faces and some not so familiar.

I had a comment from someone who has been following my content. They commented on how relatable it is and how great it has been to read.

I am not blowing my own trumpet here, I wasn’t aware of this person and didn’t know they were following my content but it made me beam with joy.

The simple fact that you can reach somebody you don’t know and have some kind of impact is exactly what sharing your story is all about.

Your Achievements and Your Failures.

Once you've got your brain dump you will really identify and reflect on your personal experiences. The mad thing is you will know about yourself and especially your achievements and failures.

I really encourage people to reflect on what they are doing. It starts to show patterns in what is going on in your life.

For example, I will be writing about how this week’s newsletter took me three attempts and I am now into my 4th hour of writing.

It’s not even like I didn’t finish it. I forgot to hit save… Not once BUT Twice!!

Schoolboy error but everyone messes up and things are here to test us!

Sharing The Journey

When you take time to reflect and start to see what value and experiences you have to offer it’s now up to you if you want to share them.

I really wish that I had started to document and reflect on mine many years ago, even if I wasn’t ready to share them.


Because it us allows to reflect, it allows us to grow and it allows us to understand how far we have come.

We are all facing challenges and if you decide to share yours or not it is good for us to understand our journey.

Top Tip:

When it comes to sharing content on social media, your newsletter or podcast people don’t want to know about your dirty washing.

I have seen far too many posts where people are slating a situation or person but offer no value of how they overcame that journey or how they are dealing with it.

Don’t make it about someone else, make it about how you navigate it.

Let’s wrap it up there

This email has taken 3 attempts and has been the most frustrating I have had to date and I’ve felt like crying into my brew!

Remember your journey may be unique to you but others need affirmations about the path they are on.

So start by understanding, documenting, and reflecting on your journey, and when it feels like the right time to share it Hit the post button.

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. A Free 30-Minute Discovery Call: Let’s jump on a call and chat about how we can plan your growth strategy. We can cover personal growth, content creation, business growth, career development, team development, and more.

2. ​Business Growth & Social Media Management: Visit our Fuelled Agency site and book a call to discuss how to Fuel Your Business. This is where we become an extended member of your team and also hold you accountable to take action to put growth strategies in place in your social media plans.

3. ​Strategy Session W/Steve. If you’re looking to get some clarity and put a growth plan in place to take your content strategy and business to the next level then 1:1 Strategy and Coaching plans are the way to go. Book a time that works for you and let’s unlock your full potential, become more productive, earn more money and create a brighter future for you or your team today.

P.S. Remember to share this Newsletter with whoever you think might like it.

Sharing is Caring.

