Starting a business in 2024?

Is 2024 the Year?

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Welcome to Fuelled Lifestyle. Exclusive content where we write about living a positive lifestyle, business, and human potential.

Today’s Email:

  • Business: Keep it simple. Start small, and get started.

  • Mindset: Entrepreneurship is a roller coaster ride.

  • Lifestyle: Craft a business around a lifestyle.

Alright - Let’s Fuel Up:

2024 is buzzing with opportunities for new entrepreneurs but there are considerations that you should take. We will cover them more in this Newsletter.

That said my overview always has been that there is no time like the present to get started, especially if you have a itch to scratch.

Whether you're considering a full-blown business venture or aiming for that extra side hustle, it’s an exciting prospect and one that people can often get scared of.

Entrepreneurship is NOT for the faint-hearted. If you think you get time back from the normal 9-5 grind then think again!

Most entrepreneurs I know struggle to switch off.

Business: Keeping it simple and getting started.

Keep it simple. Start small, test the waters, and let your business grow organically. Focus on longevity.

We often overcomplicate everything, especially starting a business.

As the saying goes “Rome wasn't built in a day,” Anyone in business will tell you that your business won't be either. Focus on providing value, and solving problems, and the rest will follow suit.

What business should you start?

Every time I have started a business (excluding investments) I have a burning sensation to do whatever that may be.

That is my answer in short. ☝️ 

There’s always a lot of talk about a Nche in business but a lot of people are creating new niches in an industry they have experience in or know a lot about.

People are looking at ways to revolutionize industries with their unique approach, and opening doors for innovative ideas.

Think about it, how many times have you thought, "There should be a different way for that?" Well, now's your chance to make it happen!

5 key areas to help you in 2024.

1. Use Technology Integration:

Use friendly software and tools that automate repetitive tasks like lead management, scheduling, or accounting. Pair that up with AI-driven solutions that can help in areas like content creation, project management, research, etc.

2. Optimize Workflow Processes:

Map out your workflows and identify bottlenecks.

Streamline processes by eliminating redundant steps, automating wherever possible, and implementing clear protocols. Tools like Miro board can help with mind mapping and project management or workflow automation.

Here’s an example we have used in Miro. (blanked out for obvious reasons 😃 )

3. Focus on Learning and Collaboration:

Your knowledge is your power. Ensure you’re equipped with the right skills and knowledge.

Educate yourself and enhance your abilities. Keep your skills updated on industry trends. Encourage collaboration and open communication within your sector to allow yourself to grow and meet like-minded people.

Always be learning.

4. Data-Driven Decision Making:

Analyse customer behavior, and market trends, and reflect on your own performance.

These insights can guide strategic planning, marketing efforts, and areas to improve. It leads to more targeted and efficient operations.

5. Outsource & Outsource Smartly:

Consider outsourcing non-core activities like payroll, IT support, or certain tasks you are just not good at.

It;s important for you to allocate your time to what you are good at.

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do..

- Steve Jobs

Mindset: Entrepreneurship is a rollercoaster ride.

There'll be highs, lows, and loop-the-loops. But remember, it's not about avoiding failure.

It's about knowing that it is part of the journey, If you’re not failing you are not learning. If you are not learning you are not growing.

Stay adaptable, keep learning, and maintain that entrepreneurial spirit—you'll go far.

Lifestyle: Craft a business around a lifestyle.

When we talk about starting a business, it's not just about the bottom line.

It's about crafting a lifestyle that is in line with your values. Finding a balance that keeps you motivated and fulfilled is tough, especially when starting a business.

Your business should fuel your lifestyle, not consume it.

P.S. I got asked what advice I would give to aspiring young entrepreneurs. You can check out my video on Instagram below.

We also have some exciting news for 2024. We will be releasing details soon. It;s been something we have wanted to do for years and started working on a few months ago.


As always thanks for reading.


Remember to spread the word 🙏 

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. A Free 30-Minute Discovery Call: Let’s jump on a call and chat about how we can plan your growth strategy. We can cover personal growth, content creation, business growth, career development, team development, and more.

2. ​Business Growth & Social Media Management: Visit our Fuelled Agency site and book a call to discuss how to Fuel Your Business. This is where we become an extended member of your team and also hold you accountable to take action to put growth strategies in place in your social media plans.

3. ​Strategy Session W/Steve. If you’re looking to get some clarity and put a growth plan in place to take your content strategy and business to the next level then 1:1 Strategy and Coaching plans are the way to go. Book a time that works for you and let’s unlock your full potential, become more productive, earn more money, and create a brighter future for you or your team today.