Your Story Counts In Business

Grow Your Business by Sharing Your Story!

As business owners, founders, or solopreneurs we often find ourselves at the mercy of needing more inquiries, creativity, and business strategy.

We can often quickly become very stressed and look for a quick win, rinse, and repeat solutions. We let our business take over us instead of us taking over our business.

I had a conversation a few days ago with a business owner. He was desperate to just get some advice to drive inquiries because they had slowed up. He paid a business to get a top 4 listing on Google for certain search terms.

They promised him this was the answer!!

After 2 months of no inquiries, he cut them. He couldn’t understand why this didn’t deliver. The problem wasn’t his business it was the strategy.

It is simply not enough to just try and get a position ranking without telling your story.

We have to create something of value for our audience. It has to be informative, interesting, unique, digestible, and have the potential to be shared widely.

But it also has to serve a business purpose such as moving our potential customers closer to becoming customers of our products and services.

We need to answer the question of why people like to buy from you and then get them to fill in a high-quality lead magnet.

All of this can often make us feel like we are being run by our business instead of us running the business to work for us.

Today, I want to share with you how we can start to find leads and nurture communities to drive inquiries by sharing a formula called AIDA alongside some basic community building.

  • Attention

  • Interest

  • Desire

  • Action

Let’s dive in.

Attention - Stand Out

Attention is the reason that people buy from people. You need to be able to tell your story. Why you offer the services you offer and what they can expect from you!

Quite often it’s about sharing the real you, your ambitions for your business and behind the scenes.

Share content that speaks to your audience about who you are and what you do!

I’m open about who I am and what I do.

I’ll share information on my social channels and in my newsletter which is about my thoughts in life and actionable content for business.

My content styles can change, some people will love what I am saying and some won’t.

I’m looking for people who are drawn to how I think about life and business.

Interest - Who are they dealing with?

People like to know who they are dealing with. it builds trust!

This is where you get to share yourself authentically. DO NOT worry about perfection!

People are moving away from wanting to see the perfectly procured content. Especially when it comes down to doing business with PEOPLE!

They like to see the raw side. It adds much more character to who you are.

This is why behind the scenes content can work. It helps people see what you do, how you think, and the way you are as a person.

Try sharing part of the process, your thoughts, your hobbies, meeting clients, and the journey that aligns with your business.

Like this one:

This post speaks to my audience:

  • The hard journey of business.

  • Seeing other people make it sound easy.

  • Feeling like we are up to our neck in water.

  • The reality of how we can all actually feel at times.

It’s intended to show you that I understand what it feels like as I’ve been there many times.


People want to build an emotional connection. They have a desire to understand more about you. They will become part of your community.

It's not enough to just have followers anymore. You need Raving fans who will sail your flag.

The more you engage with your community, the more they'll want to spread your message on your behalf.

Once you build this you can work with these people they become your brand ambassadors. offer a refer a refer-a-friend scheme.

They will shout about you and your services. The best bit is you are not selling they do it for you!

Check out this recommendation in a local community.

Take Action

When you pitch your products or services remember to add real value. Add something that has some real meat on the bone.

Don’t just be another average business offering the same services whilst doing the same thing your competition does

Bring value, trust, and the reason you are the one they should be doing business with!

Let’s wrap it up

Remember, you’re your business. share, get involved, and fuel your business and your lifestyle.

If you want some help I have some slots available in my diary.

You can book here:

 Let's dive into a 15-minute discovery call and see what we can do:

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