True Entrepreneurial Spirit

Are you really capable of Entrepreneurship?

Societal expectations and financial pressures often dampen the entrepreneurial spirit.

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Read time 4 minutes.

Welcome to Fuelled Lifestyle. Exclusive content where we write about Fuelling up your business, living a positive lifestyle, and human potential

Today’s Email:

  • The Mindset Of Growth

  • The Entrepreneurs Lifestyle

  • Business Adaptability is Important

Alright - Let’s Fuel Up:

This entrepreneur might manifest as an innovator crafting new strategies, a leader orchestrating teams, or a creator inventing solutions. However, societal expectations and financial pressures often dampen our spirit.

Regardless we must unearth our entrepreneurial flair.

The most profound ventures often emerge not solely for profit but from an authentic expression of entrepreneurial spirit

In today’s digital age - everyone is looking for new ways to start a business or make money online. The reality is there are some hard times, and relentless stress and it’s perseverance that creates an entrepreneur.

I’ve spent the last decade as an entrepreneur building content systems and processes to outlast ME if something were to happen to me in my business.

The Mindset of Growth:

Throughout our journey, our minds accumulate beliefs and patterns that shape how we approach challenges. These mental frameworks shield us from the discomfort of change, hindering our ability to embrace new opportunities.

We must create a “Challender Mindset”

The "Challenger Mindset" embodies the spirit of continual improvement in business and life.

In essence, we should approach everything with the curiosity of a beginner, shedding old and obsolete thoughts, and welcoming fresh perspectives.

YES - even if it means accepting failure.

To be a true entrepreneur we need to get used to the discomfort of being a novice. Every successful entrepreneur embarks on the path of feeling like this time and time again.

The true key to creating a “Mindset of Growth” is to become transformative and experience the trials of being a beginner.

I do this time and time again. This Newsletter is an example. I’m new to this and it can become uncomfortable. This feeling is when I know that I am growing.

Despite the panic 🤣 

The Entrepreneurs Lifestyle:

As any entrepreneur reading this Newsletter knows you can’t just escape the 9-5 and work a 4-hour day, get a Lambo and the dream house straight out of the gates.

Anyone who tells you differently is full of 💩 - SORRY but it’s true.

"Lifestyle is an undervalued facet, akin to philosophy or art...It doesn't inherently determine our worth; instead, it enriches the narrative of our journey.

C.S. Lewis

We need to craft our lifestyles as entrepreneurs and not get swallowed up in the thick of it. I’m speaking from experience, I’ve been there and got the T-shirt. It will eventually catch up with you.

NEVER allow the essence of your lifestyle to fade away and be replaced by mundane work routines. REMEMBER to stay healthy and stay present.

Business Adaptability is IMPORTANT:

The ability to pivot, recalibrate, and innovate is the bedrock upon which successful people and businesses do so well.

The businesses that thrive are those that can swiftly adapt to changing market dynamics, embrace technological shifts, and evolve their strategies and processes.

They can move like speedboats, not like oil tankers.

It’s much harder to get out of trouble moving slowly. You end up overboard and fighting away the sharks whilst sitting in a rubber dingy.

Adaptability isn't merely a virtue; it's a necessity for sustained growth and survival in today's world. By creating systems and processes as you go it will make adaptability a lot easier moving forward.

We hope you have had a good time over Christmas. Have had a chance to wind down and celebrate.

It will soon be the New Year. Are you ready for action?

Let us know.



Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. A Free 30-Minute Discovery Call: Let’s jump on a call and chat about how we can plan your growth strategy. We can cover personal growth, content creation, business growth, career development, team development, and more.

2. ​Business Growth & Social Media Management: Visit our Fuelled Agency site and book a call to discuss how to Fuel Your Business. This is where we become an extended member of your team and also hold you accountable to take action to put growth strategies in place in your social media plans.

3. ​Strategy Session W/Steve. If you’re looking to get some clarity and put a growth plan in place to take your content strategy and business to the next level then 1:1 Strategy and Coaching plans are the way to go. Book a time that works for you and let’s unlock your full potential, become more productive, earn more money and create a brighter future for you or your team today.

P.S. Remember to share this Newsletter with whoever you think might like it.