You're NOT liked by Everyone

You’re not everyone’s cup of tea

Flying Hot Tea GIF by Robert E Blackmon

Gif by RobertEBlackmon on Giphy

If you’re wondering why understanding that “not being everyone’s cup of tea” is important, you probably haven’t given much thought to why you do what you do.

You see most of us go through our lives as people pleasers, we are the person that people want us to be and play the game that life throws at us.

Speaking from experience I know this leads you into a DARK hole where it feels like you have lost the person you actually are. The worst bit… Making the comeback. You're so wrapped up in your new identity that it’s hard to change.

You’re not a commodity; You are a person.

So why does all of this matter to you?

As I wrote in my post earlier this week, you can end up becoming miserable. All of your focus becomes extrinsic and you end up questioning who you are.

You start following expected paths and patterns that others expect

When really you should be focussing on being you, doing the things you like, and living the life you want to live.

Stand for Something

After ten years of being in business, I’m shifting my strategy and message from the expected “voice* to a "movement-based voice", by sharing what I stand for and believe in.

I’m not interested in creating my expected message and saying “how to”

Instead, I’d rather share content that speaks to how I think about the journey and show you the things I have to offer my experiences and the service that I provide in my businesses.

The “why” behind my mission.

My mission is to show and move forward with the people who are drawn to how I think about life and business.

Being Yourself Lets You Share Authentically

I write a lot about how our decisions can make us feel. Our hunger to scale up and my new way of thinking about wanting to scale down.

The truth is there is no right or wrong way but I’m sharing my story, my reasons, my research, and my views that tend to resonate with others.

This post is a prime example of sharing my thoughts and experiences:

  • I needed to Lower Stress.

  • I needed time for my relationships.

  • I needed freedom to do the things I enjoy.

  • I needed to be more present with the people around me.

I also like to share my stories to show you that I practice what I preach.

This is why you don’t need to be everyone’s cup of tea

You just have to do things that make you happy, the things that make you better a person and become the person YOU want to be.

Life is too short and most of us find ourselves spiraling down a path that creates new identities quite often also dictated by conformity.

Contrary to belief you can still be successful by injecting your own personality in anything you do. It makes you happy and form relationships that matter.

So step away from being the person people expect to see and become the person you want to be.

The HIT List Tip

I recently followed the advice of writer Dan Koe, who suggests you should write down 20 things that interest you, you enjoy, and do every day.

The list needs to be broad, for instance, instead of Sports - List the sports that interest you. e.g. Football, golf, gym, etc.

Believe me, you will fill up that list in no time

Once you evaluate that list you can actually see how all of these things tie into your life. It highlights some of the tiny details you never even thought about.

Take the top 3 interests you have right now and go and find people, and social communities or join physical/online groups with the same people.

You will be amazed at how many people are your cup of tea and in turn, you will be theirs.

“Surround yourself with people who make you happy. People who make you laugh, who help you when you’re in need. People who genuinely care. They are the ones worth keeping in your life. Everyone else is just passing through.”

Karl Marx

Let’s wrap it up

Remember, you don’t have to be everyone’s cup of tea. There are plenty of people who will like you for who you are, share similar interests, and share your unique perspective.

It’s easy to get trapped in a new identity that doesn’t resemble the real you. Don’t lose yourself to the expected.

Good luck out there.